Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Oh Happy Day

Oh happy day! Everybody's alive and kicking! You see, what happened was this, Mama and Papa were enjoying their quiet evening last night with Jackie Chan at the old bar turned den. Meanwhile, I was blissfully unaware of my surroundings as I was tucked cozily in bed. But despite my deep slumber, they have to check on me every now and then hoping they wouldn't catch me belting out a solo to the tune of Crying by Aerosmith. So it was Mama's turn to check on me. Papa paused Jackie, Mama got up and next thing Papa heard was a loud crash coming from behind him. And there it was, an imprint of Mama's face splat against the sliding door. An addition to the dozens of face marks left on that evil of a door. But this time was different. It wasn't just her oily face outlining the glass that was there, blood was dripping everywhere! Wide eyed, speechless and terrified, Mama turned to Papa as Papa calmly got up, grabbed her by the shoulders, guided her to the bathroom, let the water in the sink running for her to wash the blood out til it ran dry then left her. Only to return shirtless, shirt in his hand with a clump of ice in it to be put on the damaged spot. Dabbing the ice on to the bridge of her nose, she told Papa she wanted to lie down. So she laid down beside me and I felt her kissing and hugging me like there was no tomorrow. There she was, face throbbing, heart palpitating and mind racing all because she was dreading to fall asleep. For the nightmare of not waking up the following day tormented her. Trying so hard to fight sleep, the next thing she saw was Papa locked in his own dreamland beside us. She frantically woke him up and asked if she dozed off. Papa said yes, and another series of hugs and kisses from my Mama was received by lil ol' me. She was peed-on-her-pants (metaphorically speaking) thrilled to be alive. She was only trapped in a paranoia bubble that she created. So, not minding her Gerard Depardeaux nose in the making she is now bouncing in her own love bubble with me. Oh happy day!

Sunday, September 26, 2010


I was a couple of months swimmer wading inside Mama's womb this exact date of 2009. Meanwhile, there they were wading in the flood caused by the terrible Ondoy. But we all survived the pandemonium stirred by the storm. Little did Mama know, there was another storm brewing in her gut - me and my acrobatic feats. But I was the good news amidst the Ondoy blues. I was the silver lining after losing most of their stuff from the flood turned into a wild rapid shooting downhill. But like I said, we all survived. Cheers to the survivors!

Saturday, September 25, 2010


My mama's guiding me to do the sign of the cross but I can only perfect the amen sign. So, since my hands are already praying, I would like to thank you Lord for another day. Amen.

Friday, September 24, 2010


It's amazing how I can easily copy Mama's mouth when pursed together to sound off the letter M. M and B are my favorite letter sounds now. But I toss in N, L and P in the mix. And as I was busily experimenting with my lips and tongue, I accidentally said, "I blab Mama.", that she got soooo excited she immediately gave me some good hugging.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Almond Sparkle

Seeing the world through my Quitoriano eyes makes everything seem more exciting. Knowing that from my Abuela down to my cousins have all the same peepers. The eye shape that looks small but speaks more than I can utter. I can't wait to meet everyone and witness how our windows to our soul smile when we're together.

Saturday, September 18, 2010


What am I thinking? That you have to voice out your darkest fears so it will no longer have power over you. And I do just that. I don't just voice out my darkest fears, I yelp, I wail, I cry in every little annoyance or irritation I feel. Nothing will conquer me. Except for the love being given to me by my folks. I feed on their love.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I am a mirror.
My papa looks at me and he sees himself.
My mama looks at me and I reflect her image.
I am a chameleon.
I adapt to the interests of me folks.
My papa plays games on his laptop. I watch along.
My mama rocks out to great music. I sing along.
I am a salamander.
I take in their vibe.
My papa laughs, I am happy.
My mama soothes me, I feel lucky.
But most importantly, I am loved.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Me Folks

"My mother was of the sky. My father was of the earth. And I am of the universe and you know what it's worth". - John Lennon

My take on this is that my Ma and Pop are 2 huge beings that play a very important role in my life. But no matter how big they are for me, for them I am larger than life. How lucky am I to have these two? I say, extremely!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Daughters of the Sun and Moon

My mama says that we are daughters of the sun and moon. Which is why she calls me Ankhesenamun. My nickname - Anak. Plus, she wants me to call her Cleomudra. Her nickname, Mudra. Never mind that these queens were concubines of the greats, the fact that they were able to seduce them into their charms made these women greater than them. Power to seduction - the strongest weapon a woman can arm herself with. Power to women!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

She's My Cherry Pie - Warrant

I'm feeling giddy today. Notice the toothless grin? I'm that stoked. I feel like I'm on the toppermost of the poppermost. And what could be at the toppermost of the poppermost? A cherry on the cherry on your coke. Which explains my cherry outfit. I'm a cherrypie. I'm me folks cherie. I'm feeling cheery. All because I turned 4 months today. Cheers!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I'm practicing my swooping skills on Mama's nose. She's got a bat in the cave. Hahaha!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Summer Child

This hat is vogue. It doesn't matter if it's raining outside. I am a summer child. I'll be your summer throughout the rainy season. Whenever you need warmth and laughter, you come to me. I'll be your source of perpetual sunshine.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Just Keep Stirring

Got meself a new toy/teether. Nope, not teething yet. I use this to practice my grips and enhance my hand-eye coordination. Mama lets me practice with this bad boy several times a day everyday. Much like browning a garlic. There should be constant stirring til golden to perfection. My skill's not golden yet but I'm getting there. In the meantime, I'll just keep stirring.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Whiz Kid

Hello, everyone! I'm your safari quest tour guide! Over to your right is the lion's den. Lions are extremely territorial and no matter what their size is, they still couldn't shake their sexy feline swagger. They are the kings of the jungle. They laze away all day and hang around with the laughing dogs, the hyenas - also known as the stoners of the jungle. The lions are an unassailable pack. They are the natives of their own tribe. A proud bunch that won't mingle with anybody and pick you as their prey instead. So once they've got their eyes set on you, you better get crackin' and start running for your life. I'm part lion. A proud being that won't blend in. Plus, I'm very territorial. My territory? The bed. It reeks with Astrud piss. So good luck to anybody wanting to come near it. Gotta run, have the urge to pee again. Unless you wanna get wet then I don't mind marking my territory on you. So, whatchutink? Shall I whiz away?